Tuesday, May 31, 2016

June Special Events Calendar

On it's way home to you on Wednesday.

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Hello All!!! Boy do we have a busy few weeks coming up! I hope I can get it all in. 

June 1st - 8th: VEPTO contest for Box Tops!
June 6th - Last LIBRARY time
June 6th - See calendar coming home about fun activities each day!
June - August: Log in your reading minutes on Scholastic
June 13th - At 1:15 - First grade Mini Meet - Mrs. Bellanca has donated tshirts to the whole class!! They are coming home tomorrow! Thank you Katie!!!
June 17th - Spirit Day! Get the order forms in about whether or not your child is ordering a school bagged lunch that day: ). To sign up and volunteer, please click: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054daaa622aaf94-spirit
June 23rd - Last Day - Half Day!

Stay posted for more information or changes!

Friday, May 27, 2016

We Earned a Party

Hi Families,
Your kiddos have done it again! They have earned a compliment party: ). We will have our party Tuesday with board games or electronics. There are a couple kids who want to bring in toys instead. Everyone has the understanding that we share or let people see what we brought, but it is our toy/game/electronic to use or be responsible for.  They have also requested pajamas this day. We discussed appropriate dress and that it will be hot.  They do NOT have to dress in pj's! This is choice only.

Your kiddos were so polite on the field trip! I could take them anywhere.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered to chaperone.  Thank you very much to Mrs. Stark and Mrs. Sloan for coming along on the bus!

Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Some quick news to share:

Thursday, May 19 - School Wide Walk - We are just walking around the building and our home fields. Please have sneakers for this and dressed for the weather. 
Friday, May 20 - PBIS assembly - Wear Yellow
Wednesday, May 25 - Field Trip to Planetarium - No need to pack lunch. And, if you haven't yet, please send in the $5. Thank you!
Friday, May 27 - Half Day

Please try to have your child here on time for school. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal, we establish our routine, order lunch, prepare for our day, do our morning work, some have breakfast, share important events, and begin reading by 9:00. Thank you!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Summer Birthdays

I can't believe we are already talking about this! If your child has a summer birthday, we would like to celebrate their day. There are five kiddos that we need to schedule birthdays for. Please plan a day with me soon. The Fridays in June are booking fast. We may need to look at an earlier day in one  of the weeks.