Monday, November 4, 2013

Picture Make Up Day is November 14. If you wish to have your child's picture retaken, please return the package you have received that day. If you have further questions, you can contact the company directly at tel:544-2610.

Thank you to Mrs. Brownlie, Mrs. Connolly, and Mrs. Berbert for sending in treats for our Halloween party. Thank you to Ms. Skarzynski for helping during our party centers. We had a fun morning and the kids looked so adorable!

Have a great week everyone! Remember to practice your sight words and reading.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The words sent home for spelling are for practice only. There is no assignment attached to them :).
Good Evening,
Sunday brings so much action in my family.  My older boys are in basketball, so we are starting with games already. Any errands, cleaning or schoolwork not accomplished on Saturday is done and of course plenty of football watching. Thus, the lateness of my posting...

The week ahead ...
Monday is the kickoff for One School One Book and Red Ribbon Week. This link should take you to the happenings for the Red Ribbon Week activities.

Thursday is a half day and Halloween. Your child may wear their costumes that morning, but of course we ask that their faces are not covered and that there is no weaponry. We will be having our party that morning as well as art class.

Friday we are celebrating Isabella's birthday as well as visiting our reading buddies in Mrs. Ottman's 4th grade.

Recap from last week...
You may have noticed your child had the same book to read for a few days and over the weekend.  This will occur from time to time to enable the children to get comfortable practicing a particular strategy or learning new sight words. In this case, your children and I practiced looking closely at unfamiliar words and using familiar sounds or words inside of them to read that word.  We will review this Monday and move on to new texts.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's been awhile...

Hello Families,
I don't know about you, but this fall has been one of the loveliest I can remember.  It is just amazing to me how fortunate we have been!

Your children are doing well with our routines and schedules. They are bringing home their book pouches now so they have something to read with you every night.  I love how excited they are to tell me they brought it back, and how they love to read with you.  Thank you!  You will notice that they are allowed to bring home two or three books.  Many of the kids want more to read and experience so I let them bring more home.  Although we are running around crazy, please try to find time to read with them. Each book only takes about 5 minutes, and they get a huge smile when they have accomplished these books.  It's priceless. 

One strategy: If they don't know a word, tell them and then have them go back over the word and say it alone and in the sentence.

On Halloween the students are able to wear their costumes.  I would ask that masks stay at home however, and obviously if there are weapons of any type, they also remain at home.  We will have our party that morning with a small craft. It is a half day, and we have special, so our party will be short.  I will contact those parents that signed up for a treat soon. 

You may have noticed two changes to things not brought home.  With the arrival of the book pouches, the students had time to acclimate bringing them home, so homework was not given. You will see the usual homework coming home starting on Wednesday along with the book pouches. By the way, they will have new books every two days.  Another change was in the spelling lists coming home. You did not see them last week since I was keeping them in their folders here. However, I will begin sending them home again on the 21st. They don't need to do anything with them except practice. 

Phew... lots of information. As always, call me if you need anything. 392-1000 ext. 5203 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Open House

Thank you all for coming in to see our room.  It was so great to meet new people and see many of you again! The kids loved showing off our room and what they know.  Your support and encouragement is so appreciated! October is a busy month with Halloween and Columbus Day. Please see to the right and our school calendar for days off or shortened. 

As you plan ahead, the students will be able to dress up for Halloween. I will be in contact soon for those of you that have signed up for goodies that day. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Good Evening,

What an amazing weekend! Between the weather and time with my boys... I am truly blessed.

This week is Spirit Week in Hilton. Homecoming is fast approaching, so just as the high school prepares for this annual event, so do the elementary buildings.

Monday is Dress Like A Friend Day or Twin Day.
Tuesday is Wear Mismatch Sock Day.
Wednesday is Dress Nice for Open House.
Thursday is Fun Glasses Day.
Friday is Cadet Day, dress in Hilton colors.

 I apologize for this coming so late for those of you who like to plan far ahead.

Please see events to know what is coming this week.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Good evening,
Your children came home today with a spelling list... This is meant to give them reinforcement with words we are working on in class. As I have reflected with what would provide the best assessment for word study, I have decided not to do weekly quizzes. Instead, I will use the word work students do in class, during centers, to assess how their spelling is progressing. If you have questions please contact me.

Remember that Wednesday is a half for our kids.  Enjoy your week!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Good Evening!
Tomorrow is physical education for us, so please have sneakers on for ease of transitioning to our special. 

Thank you for helping your child get their homework sheets back. You can expect those types of assignments twice a week for practice. Next week I will be sending home spelling lists with your child. If you can practice those words with them, that would be terrific. We will have quizzes on Fridays.

I am staring to update this blog to contain more information for you.  Stay tuned... 

Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Heat Wave!

Wow! Was it ever warm today!! If you are able, please have a cold water bottle for your child tomorrow.  The room is ridiculously warm, and they need refreshing drinks. Your kids are an absolute joy to me! Everyday I see new growth and so much happiness in them.  Have a wonderful evening!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Our First Week!

Wow, what a whirlwind! The students were able to learn routines.  They all shared the memory bags. Seeing their favorite memories was endearing.  The students practiced writing  numbers and their names. We looked inside our names to find other words, too!

Enjoy your weekend. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Remind 101

Please remember to sign up for remind 101 on your phone, if applicable, so that I can send quick messages. Thank you!
We are settling in well. The morning routine is being learned fast. All the kids did amazingly well browsing books with a partner.  Our walking in the hall is improving.  During S.S. we sat in a circle and got to know one thing about everyone.  Have a great night!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today was fabulous!! You have amazing kids, and they kept me smiling all day! They will have one short assignment tomorrow.  It is to put three things that bring back a special memory for them.  Each child will get a brown bag with special instructions about what to put inside.  Ask your kids about our day and routines. Some examples of questions are:
1. Why will you be picking up a rock in the morning?

2. What is your morning routine?

3. What do we have for special on Wednesday?

4. Who is our p.e. teacher?

5. How do you say your teacher's name?

Have a great night!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thank you all so much for attending our meet and greet. I just loved meeting your children and getting to talk with them. The class contact list will be sent home the first day. If you weren't able to attend and would like your child's name added please contact me through email at  Take care!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The link to Engage NY is helpful in terms of understanding Common Core.
Birthdays for September

Happy Birthday to ~
Well... There aren't any birthdays this month. 

Our summer birthdays were Peyton, Gabriel, Sarah L., AvaMay, Nathan, Alyssa, Max, Mason, And Cora! 

We hope your days were great!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Meet and Greet

Welcome to first grade! Our meet and greet will be August 28, 2013. The time of our meet and greet is 9:00-10:00.  I am so looking forward to meeting you!