Monday, February 29, 2016

Leprechaun Trap

It's that time of year again... The leprechauns are on the loose and ready to be caught. A flyer will be coming home Wednesday about the trap and all the need to know directions. Be on the look out...

Week of February 29

Happy Leap Day!! I have to admit, the science nerd part of me loves to try and explain, and understand, this day. The whole idea that throughout 4 years, we accumulate another day?? What? Crazy! 

The kids are bringing home a fun book to read about Leap Day today for their nightly reading. Tomorrow we will be back on track with our March homework packet. Thank you for your patience while we waited out February.

Each month a fitness calendar is issued for us to use to promote movement and healthy living. I am incorporating that today so that you can see it and use it as you wish. 

20 Crab kicks
20 Mountain Climbers

Repeat 3x
2 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups

Repeat for 5 minutes
Sit and reach Stretch for 20 sec.
Cobra pose 20 sec.

Repeat 5x

7 Minute Work-Out
How long can you keep a balloon in the air?

Practice volleying with a family member
Play a tag game

Choose a link above.

Bicycles for 1 minute
Plank for 30 seconds

Repeat 3x
Wall Push-ups 30 seconds
Wall sit 30 seconds

Repeat 3x
Inchworms for 1 minute
Stretch for 1 minute

Repeat 3x


7 Minute Work-Out
Jump Rope!!  Get your heart rate up!

How many times can you jog around your house without stopping?

Choose a link above.

Lunges 30 seconds
Cross knee Lifts 30 seconds

Repeat 5x
Line Jumps
*30 criss cross
*30 forward/backward
*30 side to side

Repeat 5x
Side Plank on both sides for as long as you can

25 Jumping jacks

Repeat 3x

7 Minute Work-Out
Play Hide and Seek with family/friends
Go for a family walk!

Choose a link above.

Jog in place 30 seconds
High knees 30 seconds
Butt kicks 30 seconds

Repeat 5x
Walking Wednesday!

Go for a power walk with your class.  Get that heart rate up!
5 Burpees
Toe Touch stretch 20 seconds

Repeat 5x


With your family:

7 Minute Work-Out
Go for a bike ride over Spring Break!
Go to a playground and PLAY!!

YOGA at home! 

Check out a link above and do it with your family.

Try a new exercise or game with your family.

Try a new healthy recipe with your family.

Teach your family an exercise or game you play in PE class.
April 1
Play a Kickball Game
April 2
Go Bowling!

Upcoming Events:

Friday, March 4 - HCSTA Scholarship Night - come out to see Village kids play basketball against kids from Northwood and Quest to raise money for our scholarship.
Friday, March 11 - PBIS assembly - Wear YELLOW
Wednesday, March 16 - Leprechaun Traps are due!
Thursday, March 17th - A Wee St. Patrick's Day Party at 1:45
Thursday, March 24th - Last Day before spring break
Friday, March 25th - Sunday, April 3rd - Spring Break

Monday, February 8, 2016

Week of February 8th

Hi Families!
The kids are doing great today! Last week was a little unusual for us. Lots of chatter and wiggles. Today, we seem to be much more like ourselves. phew!!! 

A list of student names was mailed out to you today. If you don't receive it, please let me know.  The copier is not cooperating so I will send out a hard copy as soon as it's back to normal.  If you are able to, please have the valentines to school by the 11th. That way no one worries about forgetting their valentines Friday morning. Valentines are not required, only if you want to send them in. 

Our party is Friday morning at 9:30. It's going to be low key and short. We'll save our bigger celebrations for later in the year. 

As we leave Unit 4 in math, ask your child what types of surveys we took. And, ask what are ways one can keep track of their data. Unit 5 is all about length and measurement. The students will be using varying units of measure to find the length of a variety of objects. It's a fun and interactive way to learn how to measure length. 

We are back into full swing in reading groups. You should be seeing new books every day or two in your child's pouch. As you have time, read some with your child. I know all too well that it's hard in the evening to always carve out that time. Please try to do so as we are moving into the next levels, and practice helps them to hold onto what is learned in group. Your kids amaze me every day with what they can do!

Have an amazing week! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Three Upcoming Events!

1. Thursday is a half day. Dismissal is at 11:10.
2. Friday is an assembly day. Please wear yellow.
3. Monday is Library. Please send in your books.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Let the Count Down Begin...

There are only 10 school days left until our 100th day celebration! Barring any snow days, we are planning to celebrate 100 days of school on Monday, February 22nd.  We will be doing projects and having events for this occasion in school.  

Our Valentine's Day party will be Friday, February 12th at 9:30. For those people who signed up to send something in or run an activity, I will be contacting you this week. If you are sending in Valentines for the class, please be sure there is one for each student.  Look for a list of names this week with each child's first name on it. We will be making our bags here to put them in. 

Just a reminder, this Thursday, the 4th is a half day.

Have a great week!