Friday, October 23, 2015

Next Week

We will be starting Unit 2 in math. The Unit 1 math assessment will be coming home Monday for you to see how your child did in our first unit of number sense.

We are wrapping up our worm investigations. The worms will be set free to burrow before it gets too cold.

High Frequency Words (sight words) will be assessed to identify how many your child can read and write independently.

The Halloween Party is Friday at 9:15. Please arrive by 9:10 so we can start on time: ).

Have a great weekend!

Red Ribbon Week

Monday thru Friday is Red Ribbon Week. We acknowledge and celebrate being drug free. The fight for our kiddos to make good choices is on going. Each day represents a new way to remember our pledge to keep healthy!

Monday is Sock it to Drugs!! - Crazy Sock Day
Tuesday is Treat Your Body Right - Wear Comfy Clothes
Wednesday is Water Bottle Wednesday - Keep Hydrated
Thursday is Rock Red Gear - Wear Red to show your support!
Friday is Say No to Torn Candy Wrappers - Wear you Halloween costumes and follow our classroom guidelines: ).

Monday, October 19, 2015

Food Drive

This week is the first of many food drives we sponsor throughout the year to benefit the Cadet Cupboard.  Any nonperishable food item is accepted.  Thank you for your generosity.  As we get closer to the holidays, it becomes harder for some of us to contribute.  If you are able, please help our class fill up our box : ).

Friday, October 2, 2015

October Homework is Here!

The new pack for October Homework is here. Each month your child will receive a new pack for that particular month.  The previous month's packet can be used at home. It does not need to come back to school. 

Spirit Week!!!

Monday - be someone's twin
Tuesday - dress like a teacher
Wednesday - show of your sports team
Thursday - Cadet Day (dress in Hilton colors)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Open House

Great to meet everyone!!

Wow! I had a fantastic time meeting everyone!!! It was so amazing to see the families that are raising these amazing human beings I work with each day.  Thank you all for coming out to support our school, our class and your kids!


Library is every other week. We just had our session this week, so we won't be going again until the week of the 12th.  Please send in your child's library book on Tuesday the 13th.  We will schedule a special time that week since we usually go Mondays.  The next time we will go after that is Monday the 26th.

Have a great weekend!